Street and Sanitation Department
If you are having any issues with your trash service please call 843-752-5115.
The Street Department is responsible for the removal of yard debris, small limbs, leaves and the yard maintenance of Town property. Street department personnel also assist the water department, as needed.
Schedule for Pick-up of Leaves and Limbs:
Monday- The street department begins by gathering either limbs or leaves on Henry Street (Zone 1). Once all of the limbs or leaves have been gathered, the department begins gathering the other (we gather limbs and leaves separately due to the equipment needed).
Tuesday- Sanitation Truck Day
Wednesday-Friday- Continue gathering yard debris and assisting the water department where needed.
The Sanitation Department is responsible for the collection, emptying and removal of household garbage in the poly cars provided by the Town.
Trash Collection Day is every Tuesday
Please ensure poly carts are placed near the roadway, not in it, and where it does not hinder the delivery of mail by the United States Postal Service. The carts need to be in place by Monday night to ensure proper collection and disposal
The Town of Latta services residents within town limits. If you are a new resident a cart will be delivered when you activate your water & sewer account..
Garbage Collection Guidelines:
* Place containers curbside with proper access for collection the evening BEFORE collection.
* Cart handle should face the street with the container lid completely closed.
* Only Town of Latta garbage carts will be serviced. Private containers not designed to be collected by Town of Latta equipment will not be serviced.
* Garbage bags/items outside of collection cans will not be serviced.
* Additional collection carts are available at a monthly cost of $25.72.
Yard/Green Waste Collection Guidelines:
* Green waste includes grass clippings, leaves, and branches.
* Green waste should be separated into two piles:
* PILE 1: Loose material like leaves and grass (in bags)
* PILE 2: Woody waste like limbs and branches
* Block sidewalks, drainage grates, or ditches
* Place green waste near items that may be damaged and/or prevent collection such as vehicles, fences, mailboxes, telephone poles, low hanging trees, or power lines
* Mix with household trash, construction, and demolition material
Prohibited Material:
The following items will NOT be collected:
* Construction and demolition debris including concrete, brick, block, wood, asphalt, gypsum, drywall, salvaged building components, windows (glass), etc.
* Ammunition and explosives
* Car/Marine Parts
* Tanks (propane, fuel)
* Lead acid batteries
* Radioactive items
* Bio-medical waste
* Cooking, heater, kerosene oils
* Automotive/Marine Fuels/Small Engine liquids, oils, fuels and/or filters
* Electronics (TVs, computers, gaming systems, cellular devices)
* Tires
Holiday Schedule:
Collection will occur on the next day following the holiday depending on the day of the week that the holiday occurs. For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday collection will occur on Tuesday. If a holiday occurs on the weekend collection schedule will not be affected.
Town of Latta observes the following holidays:
* New Years Day (January 1st)
* Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Third Monday in January)
* Washington's Birthday (Third Monday in February)
* Good Friday (Friday before Easter)
* Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
* Juneteenth ( June 19th)
* Independence Day (July 4th)
* Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
* Columbus Day (2nd Monday in September)
* General Election Day (Even Years Only)
* Veteran's Day (November 11th)
* Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
* Day after Thanksgiving (4th Friday in November)
* Christmas Eve (December 24th)
* Christmas Day (December 25th)
* Day after Christmas (At Town Administrator's Discretion)
Street & Sanitation Director Charles Lemon